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200 Funny & Creative FaceBook Bios you would ever read

Creative Facebook Bios

    1. My opinions may have changed, but not the fact that I’m right.
    2. I’m not crazy, my reality is just different than yours
    3. I always learn from mistakes of others who take my advice
    4. I still don’t understand Facebook , but here I am.
    5. Don’t follow me because I don’t even know where I’m going
    6. At last I graduated…….Now thermometer is not the only thing in the world having degrees without brains
    7. Recommended by 4 out of 5 people that recommend things.
    8. Spreading smiles like they’re herpes
    9. A Nomad in search for the perfect burger. Do not judge me before you know me, but just to inform you, you wont like me
    10. Contributing To Entropy Since 1992.
    11. Everyone on this earth is self-centered, the difference is the radius.
    12. Life F#ck$d me , Now Its My Turn
    13. People of my age are busy with Relation, break up, heart break, patch ups and I am still figuring out a way to wake up before 10 am.
    14. I am so poor,i cant even pay attention.
    15. I am not on Instagram. Go do something useful.
    16. The best of me is yet to come
    17. There are two kinds of people in this world… And I don´t like them
    18. Can bob the builder fix my bad attitude?
    19. Professional procrastinator
    20. Analogue at birth, digital by design
    21. Someday, there’s going to be an updated version of me.
    22. That awkward moment when fails to recognize your own photo on the Facebook .

  1. I am not a player…I’m the game
  2. *Insert your bio here*
  3. A Caffeine dependent life-form
  4. A man of mystery and power, whose power is exceeded only by his mystery
  5. Born at a very young age
  6. Do you remember my Instagram username I locked myself out and I do not know what to do
  7. God bless this hot mess
  8. I Can’t remember who I stole my bio from or why
  9. I have this new theory that human adolescence doesn’t end until your early thirties.
  10. I looked at my Instagram photos and realized I look beautiful.
  11. I’m not glad it’s “Friday” I’m glad it’s “Today”. I Love my life 7 days a week.
  12. I’m not smart. I just wear glasses.
  13. I’m real and I hope some of my followers are too.
  14. Life is dumb and I want to sleep
  15. Mama said life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what your gonna get
  16. My hobbies are breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
  17. The only thing stopping me from being pure white trash is my lack of motivation
  18. Where the hell am I, and how did I get here?
  19. You can follow me if you feel like it. You can also put peanut butter in your but#hole, if you feel like it.
  20. I am 10, on the pH scale, maybe. Cuz i am basic

  1. Making History
  2. On a scale of 1 to 10, I’m a 11
  3. I’ve never been able to figure out this damn facebook bio thing
  4. This is my last Instagram bio ever
  5. I have not failed…my success  just postponed for some time.
  6. When nothing seems right….go left!!
  7. Don’t drink and park – accidents cause people.
  8. Study economics-when you’re unemployed, at least you’ll know why.
  9. Knowledge is knowing what to day.Wisdom is knowing whether to say it or not
  10. One person’s LOL is another’s WTF
  11. I will be back before you pronunce afjkhnfkualnfhukcakecnhkj.
  12. Always give your 100 percent ….unless you’r donating blood.
  13. God is really creative , i mean ..just look at me.
  14. Life is too short to update instagram bio
  15. Too busy to update a bio
  16. Life is too short. Don’t waste it reading my instagram bio….
  17. instagram bio is loading…
  18. Error: Bio unavailable
  19. Bio changed, just for the sake of changing it
  20. I’m not special, I’m just limited edition

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